Let’s get personal(ised) (#DPC16)

There has been a swell of interest and discussion about Person Centric Care of late, and after years of talk its time seems to have come. What does it mean for people with diabetes and what does it look like in practice for those with Type 2 diabetes?

Standing up for Diabetes (#DPC16)

Recent research about the benefits that making small changes to our everyday behaviours can have on our blood glucose (BG) levels have implications for how we live our everyday lives and may change future Diabetes prevention and management programmes.

Blood Glucose testing for non-insulin users

Towards the end of last year NICE published new guidelines on the treatment of Type 2 diabetes. As part of these, they recommended further restrictions on Self-Testing of Blood Glucose people with Type 2 Diabetes (PWD). This advice is based on the very reasonable argument that the overall effect of self-monitoring is small, but this argument stands in stark contrast to my personal experience, and to the experience of a great many others... it seems that taking a closer look at the science behind the argument is worthwhile.

Monte Carlo, Mutuals and More Capital

This article first appeared on the Willis Towers Watson Wire inSeptember 2013

Each year since 1957, senior management from brokers, insurers and reinsurers around the world have gathered in the Principality of Monaco, considered by many as neutral territory in the commercial clashes of the reinsurance market, as it has no indigenous insurance or reinsurance industry. This year discussions were dominated by one subject: what impact is the influx of new capital into the reinsurance sector having?